Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 9, 2010

The message from Mother Nature

Question 1: what is the main point of this article?

The climate is changing, and the global warming is still continued.

Question 2: List four vocabulary words that you do not recognize or understand lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words. 

Question 3: What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?

Weather is the condition in a legion or lands, a short pattern period of time.

Climate is weather’s pattern, but longer than weather; the biggest element in becoming climate is latitude

 Question 4: What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?

Floods, Earthquake, Tsunami, sea level rise, desertification…

Question 5: What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?

I never had any “extreme weather”

Question 6: What does the word “perception” mean?

The act of perceiving; cognizance by the senses or intellect;
apperhension by the bodily organs, or by the mind, of what is presented to them; discernment; apperhension; cognition.

Question 7: What is your “perception” of global climate change?

That is the Earth is getting warmer and the victim who made this is no one else, the human. We just keep spend smoke in to the Earth’s atmosphere, so the ozone break, that make the ultraviolet rays got throw, and heat the Earth up. If we keep cut down trees, produce smoke, or waste water, our extinction will be in about 20 centuries, but from here until there, we could change it, by not wasting water, stop cut down trees, quiz spend smoke in to the atmosphere.

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