Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 9, 2010

The message from Mother Nature

Question 1: what is the main point of this article?

The climate is changing, and the global warming is still continued.

Question 2: List four vocabulary words that you do not recognize or understand lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words. 

Question 3: What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?

Weather is the condition in a legion or lands, a short pattern period of time.

Climate is weather’s pattern, but longer than weather; the biggest element in becoming climate is latitude

 Question 4: What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?

Floods, Earthquake, Tsunami, sea level rise, desertification…

Question 5: What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?

I never had any “extreme weather”

Question 6: What does the word “perception” mean?

The act of perceiving; cognizance by the senses or intellect;
apperhension by the bodily organs, or by the mind, of what is presented to them; discernment; apperhension; cognition.

Question 7: What is your “perception” of global climate change?

That is the Earth is getting warmer and the victim who made this is no one else, the human. We just keep spend smoke in to the Earth’s atmosphere, so the ozone break, that make the ultraviolet rays got throw, and heat the Earth up. If we keep cut down trees, produce smoke, or waste water, our extinction will be in about 20 centuries, but from here until there, we could change it, by not wasting water, stop cut down trees, quiz spend smoke in to the atmosphere.

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 9, 2010

A place i have been

This is my homework! I am going to talk about the last time i went to Dan Mark. It haves a center city call Cobenhagen, it is a small city which has the popurlartion about 5000 people, the city is very clean. The city is near by the sea so it's very cold, the time i visited there is in the middle of the summer. And the sights are too wonderful. Their buildings are very close to each other. There are many fields, they are very green and windy.

The city is quite small, but the rules are very important, if you littering even one peice of trash, you'll have to impose more than $500. The people there like to lie down on the street or near tha dox to sunbath, because the weather is very cloudy all over the year, they do that because they want to absorb they vitamin D. The people live by to catching fishes and farming , because the city near the sea and the land is very fat. People always live in apartments because the soil is very small. Come along to Cobenhagen (Dan Mark), you will see the amazing view, the friendly people, and the great cool weather.

Some things about me

hi every one, i know i am a bit late to write this but, these are the things about me
My name is Linh, but you can call me Steve, or Coner. I like machines and weapons, like tanks or plane, i really interested in the weapon of the FBI, or CIA...those are cool.I like drawing too, especially machines. I only draw when i really happy, or really sad. And I like classical music as well, i also play piano, guitar, if any one know classical music songs, tell me, i am enjoy to listen to them.

My study guide

In the last three weeks, I’ve learnt many things, for example:

What is geography? : it’s study about the environment, people and places.

Map: there are three kind of maps:

+Physical map: show the region and the information about that.

+Political map: show an area that have information about it.

+Thematic map: show the details about themes.

5 themes of geography (Vocabulary): I’ve learnt a lot of terms about social like: region, area, places, environment, movement, location…

6 essential elements: human systems, Physical systems, Places and region, environment and society, Uses of geography, World of spatial term.

the things i've learned

Hi every body, after my class project about their family culture, I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve got lots information too.

First for all, is that I just knew a citizen could have two different cultures, why did I know it? Because I have got a friend whose father is Catholicism, but his mother is Buddhist. This is the first time I have heard of this. Because many years ago, if a Catholicism married a Buddhist, the one who followed Buddhist must follow Catholicism.

And secondly, if you want to keep your luckiness in the tet holiday, you mustn’t, clean your house, or get a shower, or even clean your hair. Because those are the best way to let your luckiness fly away, trash those days are very important, if you want to have unluckiness and sickness for the whole year, go ahead and tidy up.